Women is...: Poker Party Ideas

Poker Party Ideas

Because of the popularity of online poker rooms as well as the wide coverage given by sports channels such as ESPN to poker events like the World Poker Tour and the World Series of Poker Tournament, poker has become a common household name. What used to be a game played only in smoky backrooms is now played in living rooms, just like any regular parlor game.

But even without the wide media coverage and the popularity it has online, the simple fact is that poker, in all its variations, is a fun game to play. It is a game of wits and of skill. What better game to play among friends?

A great way to play poker with your friends is to arrange a poker party. A poker party is a simple affair to arrange and it does not require a lot of preparation. All you need to do is to call up a few friends, have them come over and then play.

How do you prepare for a poker party? First of all, find out the laws of the state and the city you are living in to see if it is legal for you to play poker with real money. If not, just play with chips. It is better to stay on the safe side of the law, because it would be a real bummer to end a party with the guests getting busted, and not because they have run out of chips to play with.

Once you have figured out if it is safe for you to play with real money or not, the next thing to do would be to set up your place for your poker party. Determine how many people are coming to your poker party and set your tables accordingly. The number of guests expected to show up will determine the number of tables you need to set up. One table is enough if there are only less than nine people coming. If there are more expected, you should have an extra table or two prepared.

Of course, you would need implements to play poker, as it is a poker party after all. You would need two decks of cards per table. Use only brand new decks. And then you would need chips and dealer’s buttons.

And because it is a party, you would need some food and drinks to serve your guests. You do not have to worry about cooking up a sit-down meal for this kind of party because it is all casual. All you need to do is to prepare different kinds of sandwiches and some finger foods. Also, stock your bar with some beer and other alcoholic drinks, as well as non-alcoholic drinks, fruit juices and soda.

At the time of the party, in case you have some guests who do not know how to play poker, it is better to have someone explain the rules of the game. It would even be better for these initiates to the game if you would run a few hands to demonstrate how the game is played.

One important thing to maintain during a poker party is to keep the stakes low. Otherwise, your guests would take the game too seriously, and then it would not be fun anymore.